•   Admin Adilabad
  • 09-06-2021
    • Admin Adilabad
      • 09-06-2021
      • 1 min read
Gracia - Jun 9,2021

I am filled wit joy seeing your relentless efforts to reach out to the poor and needy in the remote places of our diocese. In this connection, I would like to invite your attention to the following points.

1. Please do continue to search for the poor and hungry people in your area and help them.

2. Our relief work ends not when a certain number of kits are distributed, but only when there are no more hungry people.

3. Many of the villages deserve continuous attention and help. Therefore, please continue to contact the villages and families that you are visiting now even after the distribution of kits.

4. Please plan a follow up programme to tbe carried out after the pandemic.

5. Our Karunyanidhi Covid-19 Care Centre is doing well. Our taff is very committed and experienced. People coming there are fully satisfied. Please send the deserving people to the centre.

6. Sincere thanks and appreciation to Coid-19 Relief Team and Karunyanidhi Covid-19 Care Centre team. They are doing a great job by organising all the reief activities.

With Best reards and prayers.

+ Bp. Prince.

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